
Personal Letter of Commitment

I undersigned,

Full Name: _______________________________________

Field of Research: _________________________________

Institutional Affiliation: _____________________________

Department: ______________________________________

Address: _________________________________________

City, State, Zip, Country: ____________________________

Phone: (___) _____________ Fax: (___) ______________

E-mail: _________________________________________

By joining the International Centre for Performance Studies as a member of honour, I agree to promote the following objectives:

  • Multidisciplinary research in Performance studies,
  • Collaboration and advancement of academic research in different theatrical disciplines and performing arts at the national (Moroccan), Arab, and international levels,
  • Coordination of theatrical activities and dissemination of information about the topicality of the theatre and the arts,
  • Dialogue and collaboration between theatre artists (professional actors) and academics,
  • Multilingual publications on theatre and performance studies,
  • Organization of festivals, conferences, artistic/cultural events, and thematic workshops on theatre and performance studies,
  • The exchange of visits of participants in the events organized by the Centre and other organizations or institutions interested in theatre at the national, Arabic, and international levels,
  • The organization of the international Forum, “Performing Tangier”, in collaboration with partners from Morocco and abroad.

I also agree to develop the following fields of research:
  • Theatre, Diaspora, and Emigration
  • Performing Postcoloniality
  • Interculturalism and Performance Studies between East and West
  • Cultural Diversity and the Making of Spectacle

I also agree to take part in the various activities of the Centre including meetings, seminars, conferences, festivals, forums, publications …

Signature / Date ................................................................

If you agree, please join in three easy steps, 1-2-3

1. Print and sign this letter

2. Send it to:

Résidence AYA N° 50, Rue Mahatma Ghandi, Tanger 90 000

E-mail :, Tél/Fax : (212) 39330466, Portable: 064596791

3. And wire transfer 30 euro equivalent to:

Compte Bancaire : 164 -640- 21214 90077510009 -61 (Banque Populaire Tanger-Tétouan, Ain Ktiout)