The curtain rises, the borders fall: a city between the Third and theFirst World. A piece for two photographers, three visual artists andfour writers, interpreted by two Europeans. A gardener builds aJapanese Zen garden from Hitachi television sets. A young woman takespictures of outer space in a storage building. A group of writers sellpoems at a takeaways and a professor of literature converses withravens. The borderlands are open, the curtain falls.
A documentary film by Diana Grothues and Florian Geierstanger. Running time: 35 min, Language: Spanish, Subtitles: EnglishShot in March 2006 in Tijuana (Mexico) and San Diego (U.S.A.)
Florian Geierstanger, born 1981 in Oberstdorf / Germany. Since 2003 hestudies art and cinema in Munich. His documentary films include: Spur(Germany 2005), Koenig der Spiele (Germany 2006), Transgresiones(Mexico / USA 2007), My Way (Germany 2008).
Diana Grothues, born 1981 in Tuebingen / Germany. Since 2002 shestudies Latin American Studies and North American Studies at the FreeUniversity of Berlin. She is Co-author of the following documentaries:Parkbesucher (Germany 2005), Transgresiones (Mexico / USA 2007), Lutapor espaços (Germany 2007). In her final paper she will do acomparison between the representation of the U.S/Mexican and theMoroccan/Spanish border in films.